En un par de días es posible que el foro deje de funcionar porque nos han avisado de que estamos teniendo más del triple del tráfico permitido por nuestro actual plan contratado (que todo sea dicho estaba tirado de precio). Nos proponen uno nuevo en servidor dedicado de 69 dólares/mes y eso son palabras mayores.
Mientras los Administradores decidimos qué hacemos, no os asustéis si el foro deja de estar disponible dentro de 3 días. Podéis contestar este hilo para darle más visibilidad también y que todo el mundo se entere, y si sabéis de opciones alternativas (estamos en Site5.com) no dudéis en indicarlas.
IMPORTANTE: rogamos disculpas por las operaciones de Compra/Venta en curso, os recomendamos realizarlas desde ya usando vuestras direcciones de correo privadas.
Abajo se incluye el aviso que hemos recibido.
Los Fundadores.
Your SiteAdmin account is over the Resource Point limit for that hosting plan. Resource Points are a measure of the hardware resources your account is using and you can view your usage graphs and data by following these instructions:
Load SiteAdmin and on the top left of the left hand menu click on Resource Usage. This will show the daily usage along with the limit, you can click the show usage breakdown for a more detailed per day or month breakdown as well.
Your account is using 784.11 on a daily basis and the limit is 250.
Because of the severity of the overage, we can only give you 5 days to bring the usage under the Resource Point limit or you will need to upgrade to a plan that fits your needs. The plan that would suit your needs best is our VPS2 plan, which features dedicated system resources and costs $69/month in our Dallas datacenter. You can view the details of this new plan on our website:
http://www.site5.com/vps/normal/ Alternatively, you could try to reduce your resource usage to be within your current plan's limit (250). We have completed an initial audit of your account for you and have some recommendations on how you could optimize your website. Since you are using phpBB forums, I would suggest following optimization tips:
- Keep your application up to date. It is important to upgrade your forum when a new version is released. Latest application versions contain important bug and security fixes.
- Disable the search function for guests and allow it only for registered users. Instructions how to do this can be found here. This will block attacks that use your forum's search option.
- Do not add extra mods unless you really need them. Adding many mods to your forum can significantly increase the size of its database and thus cause high server load. You should use only mods that you actually need.
- Protect your forum against spam bots. If your forum is attacked by spam bots, thousands of topics and posts can be added to it in a very short period of time. This will greatly increase the size of your phpBB database, which in turn will slow down your forum.
To prevent your forum from being overrun by spam bots, you can make the following changes to your forum's configuration:
* Enable the visual confirmation for new users. You can do this from the "Visual confirmation settings" menu under the "General" tab in your forum's admin area. In this menu set the following settings as follows:
* Enable visual confirmation for registrations: Enabled - By enabling CAPTCHA in your forum you will require new users to enter a random code matching a displayed image. This will prevent mass registration of spam bots.
* Enable visual confirmation for guest postings: Enabled - This will require from your guests to enter a code matching a displayed image before posting. By doing this you can allow normal visitors to post without registration but block spam bots from posting in your board.
* GD CAPTCHA: Yes - Set this option to yes in order to use the newest CAPTCHA that phpBB3 supports.
* GD CAPTCHA foreground noise: Yes - This will make the image even harder for bots to recognize as text.
* GD CAPTCHA background noise x-axis: 9
* GD CAPTCHA background noise y-axis: 11 - From the experience we have gathered supporting thousands of phpBB3 forums, those are the best values to have a secure CAPTCHA image. This is the perfect balance between a recognizable by humans and at the same time hard for bots image.
I would also recommend optimizing your database. To perform the optimization, log in to your phpMyAdmin and select the database whose tables you wish to optimize. A list with all the database's tables will appear. Tick the tables you wish to optimize, or simply click [Check All] to select all tables. From the [With selected:] drop-down menu choose Optimize table. This will execute the OPTIMIZE TABLE SQL query on the selected tables and they will be updated and optimized.
Also, I would suggest visiting following URL for more information on how to optimize your phpBB installation:
http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=135383 Once phpBB has been optimized, your site should be running much more efficiently and you should being using less system resources.
We will do our best to keep your account online while you make a decision; however, with your site being so far over the Resource Point limits there is a chance we might have to suspend it if it causes further problems for other customers on that server. Our auditing team is logged into this server and closely monitoring your site so that you have the time to make this decision. We cannot extend the 5 day deadline, and if we do not hear back from you, we will be forced to suspend your account after the 5 day period. These limits are vital to keeping the server stable and making sure each customers website has access to the resources they need. We know you would not want another customer causing problems for your website, problems on the server, or downtime for your account.
We will be checking back with you on 10/21 if we have not heard back from you before then. You can learn more about Resource Points on the Site5 Knowledge Base as well:
http://kb.site5.com/policies-and-inform ... -overview/ Due to the technical nature of this issue, our chat and phone technicians will not be able to assist with this issue. Please make sure to reply to this ticket so our support team can assist you.
Please let us know if you have any questions regarding your account, Resource Points, your plan, or anything else mentioned in this notification. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Andrew Stevenson
Server Health Analyst, Site5.com