Fecha actual Mar Feb 18, 2025 11:05 pm
Moderadores: IOM60, laucsap60, klomp, Siniestro, Guillermo Luijk, Pablo Valido
New Features since 5.3:
New default processing profiles, now the default look for raw photos closely matches the out-of-camera look with regard to tones and includes lens distortion and vignetting correction.
New histogram matching tool, to have RawTherapee automatically adjust the image for you to match the out-of-camera look with a single click of a button.
New HDR Tone Mapping tool to compress the light in scenes with a high dynamic range, allowing you to show details in both shadows and highlights in a realistic way.
New Local Contrast tool to boost clarity using a simple interface.
New color toning method L*a*b* Color Correction Grid.
New RCD demosaicing algorithm to minimize artifacts even with artificial lighting and strong chromatic aberration.
New thumbnail overlay icons in the File Browser and Filmstrip to help you distinguish normal images from HDR and Pixel Shift ones.
Added support for showing out-of-gamut areas based on the output profile.
Added support for reading and writing metadata and ICC profiles to and from PNG images.
Added support for processing Sony Pixel Shift ARQ raw files - make sure that the ARQ extension is enabled in Preferences > File Browser > Parsed Extensions.
Create Sony ARQ raw files using https://github.com/agriggio/make_arq
Added support for saving 32-bit floating-point TIFFs clamped to [0;1].
Added profiled chromatic aberration correction support using Lensfun.
More tools now have an on/off switch.
The user interface is cleaner, with all power-house tools moved into a new "Advanced" tab to prevent slider-shock to newcomers.
The Metadata tab now lets you choose whether you want to copy metadata unchanged, edit metadata or strip metadata when saving images. Now you can also make metadata changes in batch mode.
The choice of whether the main histogram should display information using the working profile or the output profile is now available from the Editor tab's top toolbar.
The Crop tool's aspect ratio now defaults to that of the image, and RawTherapee automatically zooms-to-fit the crop once it's placed.
RGB input-type ICC profiles can now be used as output profiles.
The saved reference image for profiling (created from within the Color Management tool) now contains metadata.
PNG and compressed TIFF images make use of better compression.
Shortcut key changes: Zoom-to-fit the crop using "f", fit the whole image using "Alt+f".
There were several hundred commits optimizing processing speed and memory usage as well as bug fixes and code refactoring, though the details of these are too arcane to list here. The effort involved thousands of developer-hours.
RawTherapee and other open-source projects require access to sample raw files from various camera makes and models in order to support those raw formats correctly. You can help by submitting raw files to RPU: https://raw.pixls.us/
Gracias por la información, un saludorickydh escribió:Nueva versión. La 5.4
- Código: Seleccionar todo
New Features since 5.3:
New default processing profiles, now the default look for raw photos closely matches the out-of-camera look with regard to tones and includes lens distortion and vignetting correction.
New histogram matching tool, to have RawTherapee automatically adjust the image for you to match the out-of-camera look with a single click of a button.
New HDR Tone Mapping tool to compress the light in scenes with a high dynamic range, allowing you to show details in both shadows and highlights in a realistic way.
New Local Contrast tool to boost clarity using a simple interface.
New color toning method L*a*b* Color Correction Grid.
New RCD demosaicing algorithm to minimize artifacts even with artificial lighting and strong chromatic aberration.
New thumbnail overlay icons in the File Browser and Filmstrip to help you distinguish normal images from HDR and Pixel Shift ones.
Added support for showing out-of-gamut areas based on the output profile.
Added support for reading and writing metadata and ICC profiles to and from PNG images.
Added support for processing Sony Pixel Shift ARQ raw files - make sure that the ARQ extension is enabled in Preferences > File Browser > Parsed Extensions.
Create Sony ARQ raw files using https://github.com/agriggio/make_arq
Added support for saving 32-bit floating-point TIFFs clamped to [0;1].
Added profiled chromatic aberration correction support using Lensfun.
More tools now have an on/off switch.
The user interface is cleaner, with all power-house tools moved into a new "Advanced" tab to prevent slider-shock to newcomers.
The Metadata tab now lets you choose whether you want to copy metadata unchanged, edit metadata or strip metadata when saving images. Now you can also make metadata changes in batch mode.
The choice of whether the main histogram should display information using the working profile or the output profile is now available from the Editor tab's top toolbar.
The Crop tool's aspect ratio now defaults to that of the image, and RawTherapee automatically zooms-to-fit the crop once it's placed.
RGB input-type ICC profiles can now be used as output profiles.
The saved reference image for profiling (created from within the Color Management tool) now contains metadata.
PNG and compressed TIFF images make use of better compression.
Shortcut key changes: Zoom-to-fit the crop using "f", fit the whole image using "Alt+f".
There were several hundred commits optimizing processing speed and memory usage as well as bug fixes and code refactoring, though the details of these are too arcane to list here. The effort involved thousands of developer-hours.
RawTherapee and other open-source projects require access to sample raw files from various camera makes and models in order to support those raw formats correctly. You can help by submitting raw files to RPU: https://raw.pixls.us/
No entiendo muy bien qué quieres decir. Yo uso RT desde hace bastantes años, y lo que hago es usar los perfiles de adobe del modelo concreto. (.dcp). Si instalas adobe DNG converter en wine, tendrás los perfiles en /home/usuario/.wine/drive_c/ProgramData/Adobe/CameraRaw/CameraProfiles/.madmalkav escribió:Estoy intentando quitarme la costumbre de usar el software de Olympus que es un coñazo si usas Linux.
He estado viendo el Darktable y el Rawtherapee y con las fotos que he probado me parece que el Rawtherapee me hace una corrección de lente que el Darktable no -OMD E-M5 con Panaleica 25mm-.
Lo que me confunde un poco es que se ve claramente que aplica esa y otras correcciones, por ejemplo a nivel de luz, con respecto a cargar el RAW con un programa que no le haga absolutamente ningún procesado, pero no aparece qué ha aplicado en el historial, así que no se exactamente que está haciendo...
En 5.4 ya está implementado lens fun, con lo cual el programa te ajusta la corrección de objetivo. Aunque puedes hacerlo de forma manual.madmalkav escribió:Ya he encontrado lo que pasaba: al cargar las imágenes automáticamente aplicaba un perfil llamado Auto-Matched Curso ISO Low, que me hace la correción de la lente -se nota claramente en una línea vertical de la imagen- pero también de colores. Estoy viendo cómo hacer para que haga la correción de la lente sin la de color.
PD: pues creo que ya he conseguido ponerlo a mi gusto, no necesito el fichero ldp -de hecho me parece que no lo hay para las lentes m43, sino que esta información está en los propios ficheros ORF. Lo que si le aplico es el dcp de color de la cámara, que no me gustaba nada como me lo estaba sacando.
PPD: la verdad es que usando los perfiles del Rawtherapee por defecto y luego aplicandoles el DCP el resultado es bastante bueno, sobre todo en reducción de ruido en fotos nocturnas. A ver si averiguo qué opciones activan esos perfiles para conseguir esos resultados, que esto de que las cosas salgan "por arte de magia" sin entender que pasa detrás me gusta regular.
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