Lleva una temporada el foro más lento y cansino que una pava coja. ¿A qué se debe?.
<Guillermo Luijk: 23-oct-13> pego la respuesta del proveedor:
Bueno, chateando con el equipo de soporte ya tenemos respuesta: el servidor donde está alojado el foro (vaya por Dios!) está sufriendo ataques. Lo están monitorizando y tomando medidas, así que espero que se solucione en breve. Os pego la conversación:
23:41Usman H: I am checking server details and history
23:42Usman H: your account is on server XXX. Unfortunately it is/was facing DOS attack
23:42Usman H: our senior admins have created firewall rules to prevent it from DOS
23:42Usman H: however its still under observation
23:43Usman H: there where few peaks of high traffic (DOS) which results into site slow or site not to load completely
23:43Usman H: however our server management team is actively monitoring it and any such issue found is rectified as quick as possible
23:44 Guillermo Luijk: ok, so we can expect the situation to improve in the near future?23:45Usman H: yes.
23:45Usman H: Your patience is highly appreciated.
23:46 Guillermo Luijk: OK, thank you. Please report that we would be happy to have this problem solved ASAP
23:46 Guillermo Luijk: Best regards.